Creative Kryptonite and the Death of Productivity

Great work, brilliant ideas, extraordinary art requires space. Time away. Room to process, synthesize, allow connections between seemingly disparate parts to effervesce out of the ether of the mind. Genius is the offspring of the in-between. But, increasingly, technology is removing the in-between. We don't just walk in contemplation, we walk, talk and type. We don't just...
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The Truth About Motivation: Push, Pull and Death

Motivation to do anything comes in two forms: push or pull. Push... Push is generally about the avoidance of pain. It's the "away from" side of the motivational spectrum." You're actively pushing yourself away from either a source of current pain or the perception of an anticipated pain. So, if you're overweight and feeling bad...
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If Buddha Was CEO: The Four Immeasurables in Business

The ring is my wedding band. Simple sterling silver with four words etched around the outside in the oldest known language, Sanskrit. What are the words? The four immeasurables from Buddhism—Loving-kindness, Compassion, Appreciative Joy and Equanimity. I think about them a lot, each serves as a constant reminder of how I strive to live in...
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