The Creative Addiction: Is the Muse Friend or Foe?

Pearl S. Buck said: The truly creative mind in any field is no more than this: A human creature born abnormally, inhumanely sensitive. To them... a touch is a blow, a sound is a noise, a misfortune is a tragedy, a joy is an ecstasy, a friend is a lover, a lover is a god,...
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The Final 1%: Where Dreams Are Vanquished Or Vanished

So, I was sweating, panting and grunting my way through an indoor cycling class the other day... When, amidst the sea of exertion, our teacher, Christine Dercole, who's pretty damn close to a walking, talking conduit of inspiration (and provider of great tribal beats), says to the class: I want you to ask yourselves a...
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The 4 Delusions of Entrepreneurs

Ask an aspiring entrepreneur why they'd kill to make the jump and, without fail, four of the top 5 reasons will be: Freedom Control Money Passion They dream of working their own hours, not having to report to "the Man," skipping though fields of money, loving what they do every moment of every day and...
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How to Be Indispensable

I was recently talking to a COO at a public company about our comparative experiences hiring people. Him, on a giant scale. Me, on a micro-scale. And, what became clear to both of us was... Scale aside... There is a single quality that is so rare, when you find someone who has it, you'll do...
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The Neutral Fallacy: There is No Sideways in Life

I've been asked the question a lot since Career Renegade came out in January... How do you handle fear? "Well, comes my answer, "that depends. Fear of what?" "Of failure, of course." "Wrong fear," I add. "You wanna be afraid, really afraid, take a look at what your life'll look like not if you try...
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Effortless Success – How to turn work into play and succeed on a massive scale

Have you ever lost time doing anything? You know what I’m talking about. Those moments when you become so absorbed in what you’re doing that an hour becomes a minute and a day becomes and hour. You blink and it’s time to go home, but you’d kill to be able to stay just a little...
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